Imagine for a moment you are horseback—it’s a gentle horse, don’t worry. Together we are riding through the forests of Oregon, weaving our way through the beautiful Douglas firs. The wildflowers of spring are coming on; a swath of wild iris is spread before us as though streams of cherubs are throwing violet petals in our path. Only the steady clip-clop of horse’s hooves break the silence. The sun beats warm on our shoulders. The air is brisk against our faces. The steady rhythm of the horse moves our body into a meditative state. And then human voices join the rhythm of the wilds. We talk of many things, we talk about how to get rich—although right now we already are.
A reader asked me what I was doing with the Think and Grow Rich Book. I’ll be honest with you—not that I have lied to you before, except that this time I had an ulterior motive. I was reading that to get traffic to one’s blog they ought to give something away. I wracked my brain. I do not have a product. I don’t want to mail anything. The things most valuable to a person do not come through the mail anyway, not usually, but what if they did? Imagine that the secret to getting rich landed on your doorstep. Now that would be like finding gold nuggets spread amongst the wild spring irises wouldn’t it?
Long ago someone said this: “It works if you work it,” Whatever they were referring to I don’t remember, but I do know that that most disciplines work if you work them. A diet never works unless we go on it. And the secrets to success don’t bring about results either unless we apply them.
Think and Grow Rich is a watershed for motivational books, and if you have ever watched the highly successful movie, The Secret, you would find that the secret was spread among the pages of Hill’s book long before the movie came out.
Hill states up front that this book was not written to entertain. It is a textbook. I think, though, that we can make it fun. It is always fun to learn new things. Or to be reminded of old truths. For those who sign up I will give the web address for the site featuring quotes and commentary on the book Think and Grow Rich. First installment coming this Thursday.
To life!
P.S. Now, here's something I haven't seen before...Disneyland's Matterhorn under scaffolding. The Disney Company always improving, re-inventing, sprucing up. I think the mountain is about to get a new sprinkling of snow.