Saturday, November 23, 2013

It All Began Last Saturday

Perhaps it started with the chickens, I don’t know, but this week things have been pecking at me about the way it is.

After the chicken incident, it spread to school for grandson dear, and then I began to think about how we have to test for drugs, have a background check, a criminal check, everything but a toenail check, if applying for a loan, a school, a job, a house. “Don’t you want to be safe?” they say. “Would you like it if…” Okay okay, I get it, I just don’t like it.

I once heard that the Euro train system was built on the honor system. You paid to get on, you rode, no one checked. However, if on a random check the powers that be found you had no ticket—off you went. Right there, on the spot.

I just wish we weren’t so afraid we were going to be ripped off, taken advantage of, molested, robbed, run out on, or made of fool of, duped, or lambasted.  Am I a dreamer?

Remember Michael, Moore’s documentary Bowling for Columbine ? There he investigated violence in our country and found  it to be fear based.

Perhaps I’m being foolish. On one hand I follow a belief system that you create your own reality (within reason, this belief isn’t for fools there are many codicils.) On the other hand I look at the world. I experience it, I have a reaction.

A psychiatrist once told me,”It isn’t how society imprisons you it’s how you imprison yourself.” Okay, okay. I get it. I still wish fear wasn’t so rampant.


“You have to leave,” the woman at grandson’s school told me.

“Somebody has to be with you.” She said. I looked around. There was no one in the room but my grandson and myself. I was playing a game with him until others arrived. Just drop him off into an abyss?? Well, that lasted two days.

Last Saturday a neighbor came over with blood in her eye. I wasn’t home, so she accosted my friend and my husband, railing at how much she had paid for a building permit, and money for the common area around this complex.  It was funny really. Here we were renters with no responsibility.  I wonder where that check goes each month?  I get it, it’s the sheep herders vs. the cattle people all over again—aka , landowners, verses squatters. 


I went to her house to hear her complaint first-hand.

She had heard my little loud-mouth rooster crowing. He was supposed to be a female as the other two are, but like most male birds he was beautiful to attract a female, and he attracted me.  Last September I bought him as a tiny three-day-old peep—that means he is three-months-old now.

It’s my fault.  I should have gotten rid of him the moment I heard that “Woo Woo” of a juvenile’s voice changing, but I stalled not knowing what to do with him. Now, Mr. Loud Mouth has to crow about 15 times in secession. I had asked for permission from the Property Manager before I got the three baby chicks..  She said ok, and didn’t mention that there were CCR’s for this area, but then it gave the neighbor pleasure to inform me. The City of Eugene allows five chickens—I didn’t know we had CCRs.

I have a cute little self-contained chicken house, the chickens are confined, no poultry wire—horrors. The neighbor mentioned poultry wire like it was white trash.  I’m keeping my hens until the city says I can’t.  But would anyone like a rooster?  

Right now he is living in the garage. Hopefully muffled.

P.S. Minutes after I put a period at the end of the last sentence, the same neighbor showed up at my door. It wasn’t CCR’s that denied my right to chickens, but a City Ordnance. ”Except for household pets and as otherwise permitted by ordinance, no person shall keep or maintain livestock, bees of poultry within the city.”

I told her I was too upset to talk and closed the door. I was. And then I had a thought, should I why cave in. Monday I’m going to the city to ask for  permission to keep them as pets.

We’ll see.

The egg on the left is from a backyard chicken. The one on the right is store-bought.

P.S. This neighbor problems is a new experience for me. It tests my diplomatic skills.

Thursday, November 14, 2013



Yesterday my daughters, grandsons, and I visited OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)in Portland Oregon. There I read that Thomas Edison invited a group of influential people to his place of business. Once they were assembled, he led them into a totally dark room.

WHAMO, HE TURNED OF SIXTY MILLION LIGHT BULBS—or so it seemed so to the group. They were blown away.

EL WHAMO. A lesson to me.  It’s showmanship.

Had Edison showed his visitors a measly little flickering light bulb it wouldn’t have created much of a sensation.  “Okay, sure, it’s a cute little science experiment—you made light for a minute.  See ya.”

The carbon filament on those bulbs didn’t last long, so they weren’t really feasible as a lighting source for the home…not yet. It took a brilliant draftsman named Lewis Howard Latimer, the son of a former slave, to improve the carbon filament of the light bulb enabling it to last longer, and thus be viable for home use.

Latimer was a skilled draftsman but could not get a job, except for the railroad. There he invented the water closet (Latrine?) and later did get hired at the electric company helping Edison obtain patients.

 “I didn’t have 1,000 failures. I just found 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb.” –Thomas Edison
Here I am a measly little writer making scribbles on paper. It requires work on the part of a reader, it isn't simply turning on a zillion  light bulbs. However,  I would light up the sky if I could.



Move with passion. Move with purpose. Love what you do. Love where you came from. Be proud of where you're going. Be proud of yourself.#TA


Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday? We Just Had One of Those.

Are you having the same trouble with days slipping past faster than a loon doing a three-point landing on a frozen lake?

I awakened this morning with Husband Dear informing me it was Friday. Didn’t we just have one of those?

Friday is our day for a movie in a real sit-down theater.  Last week we saw Wadjda. When I saw the Iranian women wearing Berkas, I wanted to castrate every man in the film--until I realized that the men were caught up in the system the same as the women. And the little boy was a sweet as anything.  Wadjda is the story of a gutsy Iranian 14-year-old girl who wants a bicycle. It just shows the nature of the human being, how under oppressed conditions there will be a spirit that arises triumphant.

Yesterday after awakening at the ungodly hour of 6:45 so we could visit a preschool at 8:45, we spent the morning playing and Little Boy Darling explored a brand new land. I learned about Octopus eggs. I didn’t know the octopus strings her eggs on long strands, and they look like beautiful glass bobbles clustered along a stem like Christmas decorations.

Afternoon found me—that was when I wasn’t dozing off, reading Jeff Goins’ blog. He said he had nine blogs before one caught. That made me feel better for I have numerous ones—as you may have noticed. Don’t mean to push anything on you guys, I just keep experimenting.

Peaches joined me last week on and Daughter Dear asked what happened to  It’s still there, and I added another post, Miss the Moon, Hit a Star. (The Unitarian lady was fun.)   And this week I experimented with creating a side show because I realized how ridiculous the ads for making money on the Internet were. It is Joyce’s Movie. ” How I Made Mondo Bucks on The Internet,” (a parody). It is 3.35 min long and can be seen on You Tube.

I have gotten (almost 1,000) followers on Likes. I don’t know where Likes came from and how they found me, and why they are following me, but I like it. Many of their sites, are really fun. Again wonderful pictures—mine has the best because I have gleaned super good pictures from theirs.  I’m grateful to all my followers. The F-word seems to have much clout in their vocabulary, and I avoid using the word although sometimes it’s tempting.

P.S. Today I sold one of my horse books—shocked the heck out of me.

I told you I didn't like water.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Do You Hear God Laughing?

Well,  we had this pumpkin see, and along came a bat, see, and WHAM, that bat hit that pumpkin like a bat out of…well you know.


Must have been a mutant bat with those chicken legs.

Speaking of chickens…

I have a sneaking suspicion one of my “pullets” is a rooster. “He” looks different from the others. His tail goes up, while the other two have tails that make a nice little “V” at the end of their body. He has no comb yet, but today I heard a definite “Woo, woo,” sounding vaguely like a juvenile rooster trying to crow. Oh my, what am I going to do with a rooster? Here I live in town and I don’t know if the neighbors will tolerate a rooster.  The pen that held the baby chicks said, “Pullets” but alas, sexing a baby chicken takes a skill I don’t have—apparently the sellers didn’t either.  I chose him because he was pretty.

Speaking of pretty…

The tree in our yard had turned a glorious red.

The weather here in Oregon has been perfect since our arrival last April. Basically we have had sunshine every day except for a few days of rain that brought up the grass shoots turning the bare, plowed fields into a green that would  make your eyes tear-up. Even October has had more sunny days than not. It has rained some, and the temperature has dropped measurably, but with my little electric heater at my feet I’m good. Right now it is gray out. Maybe it will burn off. We’ll see.

I’m having fun with the quotes I have been putting on my book site. ( Words from the greats are inspiring me. I don’t know if people care about the quotes, or if they check my site, but at least there is something posted that’s new to read. I started to say I would do Daily Quotes, but then I figured I would burn myself out, so I’m saying Quotes 5 days per week—even God rested. Yeah I know He only took one day off—that was silly, He could have made the world in one day and played the other six.

P.S. Do you think God cares that I’m disrespectful? If God were a woman She’d laugh.