Thursday, November 14, 2013



Yesterday my daughters, grandsons, and I visited OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)in Portland Oregon. There I read that Thomas Edison invited a group of influential people to his place of business. Once they were assembled, he led them into a totally dark room.

WHAMO, HE TURNED OF SIXTY MILLION LIGHT BULBS—or so it seemed so to the group. They were blown away.

EL WHAMO. A lesson to me.  It’s showmanship.

Had Edison showed his visitors a measly little flickering light bulb it wouldn’t have created much of a sensation.  “Okay, sure, it’s a cute little science experiment—you made light for a minute.  See ya.”

The carbon filament on those bulbs didn’t last long, so they weren’t really feasible as a lighting source for the home…not yet. It took a brilliant draftsman named Lewis Howard Latimer, the son of a former slave, to improve the carbon filament of the light bulb enabling it to last longer, and thus be viable for home use.

Latimer was a skilled draftsman but could not get a job, except for the railroad. There he invented the water closet (Latrine?) and later did get hired at the electric company helping Edison obtain patients.

 “I didn’t have 1,000 failures. I just found 1,000 ways not to make a light bulb.” –Thomas Edison
Here I am a measly little writer making scribbles on paper. It requires work on the part of a reader, it isn't simply turning on a zillion  light bulbs. However,  I would light up the sky if I could.



Move with passion. Move with purpose. Love what you do. Love where you came from. Be proud of where you're going. Be proud of yourself.#TA