Sunday, March 24, 2024

Short Circuit


"There are about 15 years that you can be young. All the rest, you are a grown-up. I think you appreciate being a grown-up much better if you don't try to be that way too soon."—Judy Garland.


I have a grandson who just turned 15, so he is tittering on the brink. He reminded me last night that God wouldn't send us here without guidance, which he thinks the Christian Bible is.


Many people have said we didn't come here with a manual, but I thought  We do have one. However, it takes many years to find it, and some never do.


How often have we heard that God, the Spirit, the Universal Conscious, Jesus, whatever you wish to call The Force, dwells within us?


It is there for us if we really look. We are hot-wired to believe in a higher power. We seek to do good, not evil. Even bad things are brought about by deluded, damaged indivuduals who have lost their humanity and believe they will feel better if they do them--even to the detriment of the world. 


We are ever striving to know and to understand. We are learning that our subconscious is not an enemy but there to keep us safe, and to do our bidding if we learn to access it.


We are grateful for life and the ability to be discerning individuals, to have free will, and to decide for ourselves. We are given the ability to choose, to see the world and the wonder of it, the plants and animals that not only add beauty but sustain us. The earth goes through its cycles, ever trying to reach an equilibrium.


For ages, influential individuals or groups have tried to take power from the individual. It is a desire to control them and have them do their bidding. Many individuals have become mean and ornery as a result of this pressure.


But some know. Some listen to that still, small voice. Some see that miracles do happen. Unlike walking on water, we don't believe in miracles because they are often small. The other day, I saw someone walking down the sidewalk laden with about a half inch of water, and I commented, "They're walking on water!"


We walk on water all the time. I know we're not walking on the ocean, but what about events such as the car being on empty that get us to our destination on time? Yeah, yeah, it’s the fumes—see how people want to explain them away?


Jerry Hicks told the story of hearing "Drive on the sidewalk" and thus avoided a deadly crash immediately in front of him.


I watched the movie Apollo 13 again the other night. I didn't remember the story Astronaut James Lowell told early on in the film. "A reporter asked if he had ever been afraid. He said yes when flying over the ocean, he lost power and his guidance system. He needed to land but couldn't see anyplace.


Suddenly, his lights short-circuited, and all was dark. Yet below, he saw a strip of a green glow. The phosphorescence of the tiny marine creatures showed him the shoreline.


He landed safely and said, "If those lights hadn't shorted out, I wouldn't have seen the phosphorescence. You never know what will bring you home."



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Ever searching for the belching tiger,
