Bathing Beauties...
The pictures are for fun.
I forced myself to stay away from my computer for a couple of days, as I was becoming obsessive with writing queries (for other books) writing ads, feeling bad if nobody clicked on my website, and then this morning a miracle.
I don’t know if I will sell any books from it, but just getting it warmed my cockles. My brilliant log home designer volunteered to advertise my site if I sent him a banner ad. Yet before I sent the ad he had placed a banner on his site. I am honored. If you want a log home, he’s the one who will design it. Check out his site at:
My ad appears on
Life is something we all have, all have opinions about, and all are trying to master, yet so few of us have a clue. I received a phenomenal link to another website this morning called Children of the Sun. On it Greg Bradden, a scientist trained in the physical and earth sciences, found there was more to life than his books taught him. Now he attempts to marry science and spirituality. On this website he gave 20 Keys of Conscious Creation. I jotted down these two:
“The minimum amount of people to jump-start a change in the consciousness of the world is 1%.”
One percent! Holy Cow. We could do that. We could start a movement that said, “I’m going to look on the bright side of life. The world might be in peril, but we can change that. We are, after all, the animals with the big thinking brain—for heaven’s sake we have technology to drill for oil at the bottom of the ocean, we build oil derricks that rival the size of rockets we send into space. We went to the moon. We started the Peace Corps, and young people by the thousands signed up to live in one room shacks with no running water because they wanted a hand in changing the world. The WPA helped bring us out of the great depression by providing 8 million jobs with evidence of their work in almost every town in the US. Guard rails on the old scenic highway down the Columbia River gorge were built by the WPA. Timberline Lodge at the base of Mt Hood here in Oregon is a testament to the skill of artists who handcrafted that magnificent structure. Timberline Lodge has withstood winter snows that reached its roofline for 72 years.
I’m not going to believe the nay-sayers who say the world is falling apart, or the movie Mongols who believe the population wants violence. Neither am I going to follow journalists who propagate the theory that, “If it bleeds it leads.” I am going to believe we are the children of the world. We are the ones to make this a brighter day…
P.S. Want to be notified of a new blog post? Send me your email address. (Don’t worry, wild horses couldn’t drag your address out of me.)
P.S.P.S. Got a comment? Send it.
The pictures are for fun.
Regarding Dilemmas. Have you ever seen one? They are fiery beasts; have Texas Longhorn protrusions on the sides of their heads, a pig nose that spits fire, claws that hang on no matter how much pulling or shoving you do, and hair like a big foot. Have you ever seen a big foot? Neither have I.
You can sit on a Dilemma’s horns, which is where I am now.
The Dilemma? I think my book it too expensive. If I sell it cheaper I will go in the hole. In the hole and on a dilemma—a terrible place to be. I think I need a new publisher.
I forced myself to stay away from my computer for a couple of days, as I was becoming obsessive with writing queries (for other books) writing ads, feeling bad if nobody clicked on my website, and then this morning a miracle.
I don’t know if I will sell any books from it, but just getting it warmed my cockles. My brilliant log home designer volunteered to advertise my site if I sent him a banner ad. Yet before I sent the ad he had placed a banner on his site. I am honored. If you want a log home, he’s the one who will design it. Check out his site at:
My ad appears on
Now wouldn’t people who like log homes also like horses? Maybe. Maybe not. Horses might not be your thing, either, but I bet life is, and that is the reason we reside here on this page together.
Life is something we all have, all have opinions about, and all are trying to master, yet so few of us have a clue. I received a phenomenal link to another website this morning called Children of the Sun. On it Greg Bradden, a scientist trained in the physical and earth sciences, found there was more to life than his books taught him. Now he attempts to marry science and spirituality. On this website he gave 20 Keys of Conscious Creation. I jotted down these two:
“The minimum amount of people to jump-start a change in the consciousness of the world is 1%.”
One percent! Holy Cow. We could do that. We could start a movement that said, “I’m going to look on the bright side of life. The world might be in peril, but we can change that. We are, after all, the animals with the big thinking brain—for heaven’s sake we have technology to drill for oil at the bottom of the ocean, we build oil derricks that rival the size of rockets we send into space. We went to the moon. We started the Peace Corps, and young people by the thousands signed up to live in one room shacks with no running water because they wanted a hand in changing the world. The WPA helped bring us out of the great depression by providing 8 million jobs with evidence of their work in almost every town in the US. Guard rails on the old scenic highway down the Columbia River gorge were built by the WPA. Timberline Lodge at the base of Mt Hood here in Oregon is a testament to the skill of artists who handcrafted that magnificent structure. Timberline Lodge has withstood winter snows that reached its roofline for 72 years.
I’m not going to believe the nay-sayers who say the world is falling apart, or the movie Mongols who believe the population wants violence. Neither am I going to follow journalists who propagate the theory that, “If it bleeds it leads.” I am going to believe we are the children of the world. We are the ones to make this a brighter day…
Number 2: “We must become in our lives the very thing we want to experience in our world”
Now that's a challenge. Are we up to it?
Happy Thursday—Thursday seems to be my day to blog. See ya next week!
Ta Da!
Ta Da!
P.S. Want to be notified of a new blog post? Send me your email address. (Don’t worry, wild horses couldn’t drag your address out of me.)
P.S.P.S. Got a comment? Send it.