“Popcorn. Soft pretzels. Hot dogs. Roasted chicken breast with mashed potatoes and gravy (in dream theaters.) Me, Trixie, who is dog (good dog, good) loves movies. Last week saw King Kong
“In Thin Man movies is smart dog named Asta. Like all dogs, Asta is funny. All dogs except Old Yeller—and Lassie, so busy saving stupid Timmy, she never had time to be funny. And did Timmy ever give her peanut butter? No. Mostly he just said, ‘Thanks girl,’ and ran straight off into burning barn or quicksand.”
From Life is Good by trixie koontz, dog, edited by dean koontz.
You know how everyone and their dog wants to write a book? Well, here’s one. Had to mention this book. Love Trixie. Pretty soon you talk like Trixie. Good dog, good.
Last blog I mentioned movies, now I’m talking about books, what is your favorite? I have to add Meryl Streep’s recent movies to my movie list. That woman, can you believe, Momma Mia
Working on being positive. I suck sometimes.
“Howl a little. Let loose. Say, ‘I am here.’ Say ‘I am dog,’ or whatever you are. Don’t howl ‘I am dog,’ if you are not dog. You’ll look stupid.” Words of wisdom from Trixie: