This little Meerkat meditated so long he fell over.
Has this ever happened to you?
We loved that little guy, (saw him at the San Diego Zoo) and so adopted him as our mascot for our new website entitled
Now we come to the question of the day: Why are Americans so unhappy?
Our family watched the DVD documentary The Boys of Baraka, about troubled kids from the one of the most violent ghettos in Baltimore Maryland who are taken 10,000 miles to an experimental school in rural Kenya.
When asked what they thought of Africa
What do did those boys in Africa know that we don’t?
Speaking of film—do watch Temple Grandin
Oh, I’m on a film roll, those of you who know us know we like movies, but of late we have been disenchanted, and rarely go. Husband Dear and I did see one film I loved, Flipped
Okay, one more: Secretariat,
Again those of you who know me know I was involved with the Science of the Mind Church when we lived in San Diego. The minister was Terry Cole Whittaker.
What if you believed you could do, be, or have anything you wanted?
How would you behave then?
What if you believed that the world was friendly, that life was ongoing, and that your job was to be happy and to minister to others?
Wouldn’t that be a kick?
Daughter Dear and I have decided to start a movement…let’s feed our minds with good stuff. Let’s read motivational books. Let’s neutralize the negatives we hear every day by feeding our minds with positive words, thoughts and actions, and believing, once again--I believe I fell off the wagon for a time--that God’s divine energy is alive and well and living in us.
Thus our new site, with motivational, inspirational books. It is up and running. I'm excited. Just looking at the titles makes me happy. We intend to add a motivational thought a day, you know, like when you mother let you dip a finger in the icing--that dip tasted so good. If you want the whole cake you will have to read the book. When the site gets some hits we will begin our thought for the day.
What did I learn from my Hawaiian experience? I’ve been asked that twice this week. It was a dichotomy really--paradise/irritant--a contradiction of events and feelings, and a catalyst. How does one describe a catalyst except to say it spurs to action. That experience spun us around, slung us off the island, and gave us new direction. It wasn’t so much a learning as it was an experience.
Aloha! (You know that means love, not goodbye.)