I just discovered that Tom Hanks is going to play Walt Disney—see http://notesfromthetreehouserevisited.blogspot.com. *
How cool is that?
Regarding Disney, as it stands now Daughter Darling, Baby Darling and I are going to Disneyland this coming Friday. We have season tickets and come June and July most of the park days will be off-limits for us, so we have to get our time in before then. Daughter gave me an assignment—write a page about something I see there, or an impression or whatever. Hum. She thought I was driving myself cuckoo with editing my Hawaii book, and needed to have some fun—recharge my brain, halt it from becoming oatmeal.
Already with baby Darling we have played with a story about a little mouse that lives at Disneyland. Previously that little mouse was chased out of homes, chased by cats, generally not appreciated until WHAT? At Disneyland mice are revered. Disneyland all started with a mouse. Living at Disneyland the little mouse—what is his name? Fred? Okay, Fred, the mouse, found innumerable little houses where mice could set up housekeeping. He could watch people screaming on Splash Mountain, and eat popcorn and hot dogs and pickles. And Fred found a lady mouse, and moved from the little house on Storybook Lane to a bigger house by the creek over by Winnie the Pooh’s place, and there Fred and Pretty Lady, and their kids, Fredrina, and Oliver and Sadie, lived by a creek bank—where I have said all kids ought to be raised, but then the park existed right outside their doorstep—as the world exists for us.
* (Formerly thefrog'ssong. I had to put revisited there as notesfromthetreehouse was taken.)
* (Formerly thefrog'ssong. I had to put revisited there as notesfromthetreehouse was taken.)