Saturday, October 20, 2012

I'm a Rhinestone Cowboy


I’m a Turkey Wrangler.

I was singing “I’m a rhinestone cowboy,” as I was wrangling, though, does that count?

As I mentioned in the last blog, I am taking care of turkeys here on the “farm.”  The coyotes were taking care of them as well—having them for dinner, or killing and leaving them in the orchard. Two nights ago I solved the situation by wrangling about 100 turkeys into a small secure enclosure and locking them up for the night. For two days we haven’t lost any turkeys to coyotes, but yesterday morning—one dead turkey in the enclosure, today two—what is it with turkeys? If something doesn’t get them, they volunteer to croak anyway.

Now the chickens and quail—they are hardy, and are thriving. We get about 20 quail eggs a day. The chickens aren’t laying any eggs yet.

Think of the many Thanksgiving turkeys—wow, those farmers must really work at it. And turkeys being what they are, I believe if a coyote comes to the fence they would go and greet their doggie friend outside the wire—whoops, no head.

I think of the chickens I had in Oregon, Mille Fleur, Dixie, and Sir Winston. I kept them on clean sweet smelling hay in a little house with a hinged roof. When I replaced the hay they loved it so much they rolled in it. Dixie and Sir Winston were Mille’s children, and before we left Oregon Mille hatched three more baby chicks. What a woman!

Our amazing little Peaches dog, our poodle, is back from death’s door. Another “What a woman!” She walks on all four legs now, eats, drinks, and was jubilant to go in the car yesterday. I love my Peaches dog. For further details go to

For entertainment? Husband and I thought it would be a movie, but after giving The Seven Psychopaths the 15 minute test, we walked out—got a rain check, though, so we’re not giving up on movies. We thought The Seven Psychopaths might be funny, but it was totally gross—well, until we left. I can’t say after that. Being close to Halloween, the pre-views shown now are enough to make many a stalwart soul run for the waste basket. We did see one interesting pre-view of the upcoming movie Hitchcock.  In it I learned a fun fact: It was Alfred Hitchcock’s wife who read the script Psycho, and said, “Don’t kill your heroine in the middle of the film, kill her in the first two minutes.” And daughter told me it was the wife, too, who told Hitchcock to focus on the eye. The wife is played by Helen Mirren, a powerful actress to play a powerful woman. What a woman!
Right now, I’m not into anything that I can avoid that puts terrible pictures in my head. I need my head for other uplifting things.
Thank you to my readers. I love you.