Thursday, January 24, 2013


I have gotten hooked on Twitter. To read my tweets click on the icon at the right of this page or go to JewellD@jewellD3. My numbers are grown, 742 at last counting, aiming for 1,000 by the end of the week.

I have found some really good resources on twitter, places for writing, writing advice, lovely people.  I’m fascinated at how many readers and writers are around, how many really good people there are, and that people READ BOOKS. I was getting worried that people weren’t reading anymore with the closing of so many bookstores, yet people are reading if you look in the right places. On tweets there are more authors writing Vampire stories, Horror, Mystery writers than you can shake a stick at. Why would anyone shake a stick at anything?

This social media is a fascinating phenomenon. There are sites where you can pay to have followers, and another side that will automatically follow them back. I am doing it the old fashioned way, actually reading tweets and blogs—hey, that’s how I found the good stuff.

I have created a new blog called The Best Damn Writer's Blog on the Block. (I can claim that since I’m the only one on my block writing one.) You can find it at  figured that writers want information, but have precious little time for research. They need to keep their butts on their chairs, fingers on the keys, and brains engaged. Still we all want motivation and encouragement. I will post the best writing advice, networking, whatever, I can find. I figure the reader and I will both benefit.  Nothing to buy, only information. That blog features coffee for I have become quite an iced coffee fan. Care to join me? Want hot or iced?

Still feeding turkeys, chickens and quail around here. The three (one died) little original quail are the sweetest things. They come to me in the mornings to be petted, and one day those three little girls laid six eggs. Wow.

Okay, today is my daughter’s birthday, we are off to Disneyland—her choice. There are perks with living in Southern California—season tickets.

What will the day bring? I wonder…

Joyce aka Jewell