Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Totally Weird

“Would you like your newspaper with a twist?”

“One twist or two?”

“You want one rubber band, not twisted?”

“No problem.”

"Oh, yes, you want your paper flat and on the table. You want yours rolled and in the box with no rubber band. You want in a plastic bag? On the porch or off the porch. Oh, not on the roof. Yes, I understand, on the porch, not on the roof. And why in the world would you put a cylinder newspaper box on your porch or in a tree?  Isn’t the idea that your newspaper will be delivered from a vehicle?"


One would think these customers were at Starbucks ordering Café’ Borgia or Latte, or Café’ Mocha with soy not dairy, or with non-fat, not half and half.

Daughter Dear thought a paper route sounded like a good idea. “I’m up late at night anyway,” she said. So she trained for three nights. (One A.M until Six A.M.) Last night she took on the route alone. It took five hours, following the directives of diva newspaper customers, a newspaper gobbling bush, a magnetic roof that pulled in newspapers, and after much backing up and getting out of the car to place papers in their proper receptacles, the man standing outside at 6:20 AM in wait for his paper was the final straw.“ I already called wondering where it was,” he said.  

 “I didn’t even care,” said Daughter Dear.

And since she had not yet signed a contract with the paper company, she essentially said, “Take this job and…..” Well, she’s nicer than I am.

I’m relieved. That all night event, seven days a week, would have driven her postal. And, hey, I’m not a stranger to Oregon. I know how the winters can be. I remember living in Eugene one winter where Husband Dear and I climbed up good ole Hendricks Hill on our knees because maintaining a vertical position on that icy road was impossible.

I had a driving paper route when I was a kid, and never got that sort of flack. what in the heck is happening?
Something better is ahead! Can’t wait to see what it is.