Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nook and Granny


This cover  is on Nook. The price of the book is $3.99. The same with Kindle version.  I just looked on and saw that someone wrote a great review of my book. I have five stars. Wahoo!

And now if my memory serves me…

Your memory serves you only if you feel good in the remembering of it. I was listening to an Abraham tape recently where a man spoke of “Severe childhood abuse.”

With that severe abuse, he said, came a severe belief in the well-being of life.

Since I have written a book that mentions sexual abuse, among other things, I felt some pontification was in order.

So I ask, how is it that some people suffer greatly from various hardships of life and come out whole, exuberant and joyful, while others are forever in the trauma of it?

What makes some people indomitable?

Once I read a psychologist’s Treatise stating that he could tell which teenage girls were going to be successful life and which ones weren’t. The difference was Blame. According to the ones who didn’t make it, it was always someone else’s fault.

Abuse IS someone else’s fault, but, I’m sorry dear one, the recovery from it rests on your shoulders.