Thank you for visiting my blog. Your graciousness warms my cockles.
I know your life has its Twists and Turns as well as does ours. I would love to hear about yours, just visit http://www.wishonawhitehorse.com/, and send me a note, a page, or an epistle of your life. (Wow, don’t know if I’ll read an epistle. And I'll try not to write one.)
But first for the Horsey Crowd:
Take care not to vex the young horse, or cause it to abandon its affable gracefulness in disgust. For this is like the fragrance of blossoms, which never returns once it has vanished.
--Classical French Trainer Antoine de Pluvinel 1555-1620 Malama Lio, The Hawaiian Horse Journal.
I had to include something about a horse. (As Daughter D and I say, “It’s all about horse training.”)
Now back to Life’s Twists and Turns:
We are continuing our forward journey, planning to go to Hawaii in a few weeks for a look-see. We figure we ought to check out the lay of the land before we move there.
We are waiting to hear from our Real Estate Agent regarding our desired property. When I first found the property it had a pending offer. That offer fell through, and now we are in Number one position. They just have to clean up some paper work.
We are excited still and planning. Our conversation last night was about making macadamia nut butter. Or specialty nuts like Cayenne peppered nuts called Volcano Nuts.
Imagine a cartoon of a little boy toasting nuts over flowing lava. Next frame, boy’s grass skirt catches fire. Next frame “Creation of the Hawaiian Stomp Dance.” How about Two Nuts and a Man Cub for a business name? If Husband D wants to join the company it will be Three Nuts and a Man Cub.
Oh, the chickens, my darling chickens. I have never liked chickens they way I like these. They are so gentle, their eggs are delicious, and the rooster is a complete gentleman.
I am now calling him Sir Winston.
When I bring vegetable scraps Sir Windton clucks to the two hens to come see what the sky god dropped in their yard. Anyway, I believe Milli Fleur, the original momma, is sitting. Now she has 5 eggs under her. I bought Milli Fleur two years ago at the County fair along with her babies, 3 little furry chicks. Milli Fleur and the Dixie Chicks I called them. Milli Fleur is the name of the breed. Now they are Milli Fleur, Dixie, and Sir Winston. I wanted more hens, but now I’m moving, and now she is setting. I tried to incubate eggs a couple of months ago and failed. Let’s see if she can do it. The trouble is I don’t think you can import chickens to Hawaii. (Smuggle them in a suitcase maybe?)