I’m anxious, nervous, anticipating a major life
change if only it would materialize.
From all my metaphysical studies, seminars taken,
books read, meditation done, and friendly advice from people I know and love, I
ought to know better than to stress out over things I cannot push, shove, or
cram into a box. But no, I sit here crying on your shoulder.
Have you ever talked yourself into believing your
heart’s desire is coming true? Have you ever told yourself, “I know the
Universe provides. I know it has always taken care of me,” and then adrenalin
pumps through your bloodstream as though you have just stripped the threads of
your safety valve?
We are waiting for word that could change the course
of our lives. And it is the weekend, two days of nothing—wait until Monday,
maybe something will materialize on Monday. This has happened for three
weekends in a row.
But wait, perhaps it is all working out. Perhaps it is forcing me into a position of trust. What is it I have been preaching for oh so many years? “Your expanded self is driving the bus," to quote Robert Scheinfeld, "you can’t make a mistake, mess anything up, or blow it. You just trust your Expanded Self and flow with what you feel inspired or motivated to do, moment to moment.”
But we might ask, am I listening to my expanded self
or that other one—that one that is stressing out.
I know that after the work is done, that being in a happy peaceful place in one’s
heart and mind is the way to bring about whatever it is one is wanting. I know that listening to the negative
mind-talk pushes it away. And so I am going to make my mind happy and go to a
place where wild horses run, a place where I can feel the wind in my hair, and all
around green pours over the hillsides, and yellow flowers dot the landscape, and
I hear the plunk of a frog as it plops into a gurgling stream, and off in the
distance I hear children laughing.
I fell off the turnip truck at 7 o’clock this
morning. I am climbing back on at 11:00.
P.S. I looked for something to make me happy and found this. And so in parting let's "Wish on a spotted pony."