Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Not a creature was stirring as I sat at my computer, fingers hitting the right keys sometimes, sometimes not.


What in the heck?  Is that my new phone chirping?

Nope. Not an electronic device, an organic one.

A real life bird had flown in the open kitchen door, made its way through the living room,  and down the hall  into my office. “Okay little bird,” I said. “I know birds are messengers. Do you have a message for me?”

No response.

I closed the office door and we did a fly-by, a two-point landing, numerous bashings against the walls, a hiding behind the desk. I tried to reassure him that he had nothing to fear, I was going to carefully carry him outside where he could once again be a free bird.

Finally he flew into the walk-in closet. I closed the door and I caught his quivering little body and carried him outside where I released him happy into the sunshiny morning air.

My message?

You have nothing to fear. Don’t kill yourself by bashing against the walls. Trust that everything will be all in divine order.

We still have no word that the house we have applied for to rent is ours—you know, wait through one weekend, through the 5 day week, then into Good Friday and another weekend, this one being Easter weekend.

We have continued to pack around here. Husband Dear has a ton of electronic equipment, some from WWI and you know how heavy electronics were then. When I complained to him--he being in Oregon, about how much heavy equipment he has he said, “Oh there is a plane engine in the garage.”  
Now, how in the heck are we going to lift that?

Two more days, a washer, a dryer , a refrigerator , a plane engine, parts of a Gyrocopter, and miscellaneous stuff to be loaded into the 6thU-Haul POD. (We ordered another.) I pray it will not be too heavy.

We are leaving Temecula California Tuesday April 2, aiming for Eugene Oregon. That is Daughter, grandson, two dogs, two cats, two goldfish, and me in a pickup truck.

The Beverly Hillbillies are at it again.

And look what we found last night.  An Easter surprise!

All day the owner and helpers had been working. Last night we checked on the results of their labor, and found in the huge storage building behind the house a nice sawdust lined pen, and under heating lamps, at least 200 baby chicks.

Grandson had a ball.