Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jewell's Do's and Don'ts



Do go to the window and stick your head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”
Don't watch the news—it will ruin your whole day.

Do welcome strangers, foreigners, imports from across the state line, from across the ocean, from across your county’s borders, from across your property line.

Don't read beauty magazines, they will make you feel ugly.

Do take design magazines as inspiration, not as a way to sap your energy that your house doesn't look like those pictures.

Don't listen to financial Doom Sayers’ propaganda. They are compounding the problem.

Do get out of the house, feel the sunshine, see the wonders of your world. Travel, see that other people have the same desires and feelings that you do.

Don't let the media determine your view of the world or allow the toy makers to make your children violent.

Do pursue your goals, Do find something to be happy about. Do let the sweet scent of spring hay waft through your nostrils, Do hug your children, your spouse, your partner, your cat, your dog, your horse, your goat, your iguana, your inner being, a tree, and your grandmother. Do write to me and tell me how God’s creative energy is working in you.

Do listen to Luis Armstrong sing, “I see trees of green, red roses too…and I say to myself, “What a wonderful world.”
Do Pursue your own dream or someone will hire you to pursue theirs.
Do know that I love my readers and I would be ever so pleased if you would follow me. This site hit over 1,000 page views last month. Thank you to all whose eyeballs hit this page.
Joyce, or Jewell, whatever

(Remember Aloha means to do good without expecting anything in return.)