Friday, May 17, 2013

There are a million BONKS in the Naked City, or is that BUCKS?

I put a plate on the granite counter top, BONK.

I pull a pan from the shelf, BONK!

Placing a cup on the counter, unloading the dishwasher-- grinding coffee? Forget it. All is noisy.

Maybe I’m just clumsy.

The reason for noticing all this BONKING, BANGING OR GURGLE, GURGLE as I pour water into a pitcher to make iced tea, is that daughter dear and grandson sleep right off the kitchen. In the mornings the cat wants their bedroom door open for he needs to do his laps. Daughter works way into the night while her young one is sleeping, so in the mornings, I try to be quiet. It’s impossible. Doesn’t seem to bother her though, so guess all my bonking needn’t be a concern.

A concern worth addressing is the online store eBay, daughter’s source of income.  It has gone cuckoo. If you call eBay, they will say everything is okay. Talk to the sellers and they are crying gigantic crocodile tears, for some say their sales have dropped 50% in the last month. That coincides with a change in eBay’s search engines, and search tactics. Cassini  is the name of their search engine, and it is so specific as to be ridiculous. It appears to be phasing out the little guy. Oh gee, and daughter dear is a little guy. She was making quite a living selling Legos. She and I went together and are selling Duplos, the 2 to 5 year-old baby’s version of Legos, (larger bricks, larger animals and figures), and they were selling well until all hell broke loose.

Cassini is so invasive it tracks where a searcher’s curser is on the screen, and what sellers and customers  are saying to each via emails. It favors the top seller bumping them into top position to insure that they sell more. Thus it is favoring mega stores like Toys R Us. “Best buy” isn’t necessarily the cheapest. eBay, of course,  wants to make money, so the no-so-cheap items will pop up first. Some say if your items aren’t selling raise your price, and here we were trying to sell low.  I thought eBay was about the unusual, the odd, the unique, the bargains, a place where customers could search for specific items.   I thought it was friendly. It looks as though sellers must list for the search engine, not the customers. One seller of Wigs said his wording has to be WIG, not wigs. Oh gosh, oh gee. No wonder people get conspiracy ideas floating through their brain.

We’ll see. I hope it all gets worked out.

Meanwhile I sit here at the window in front of my computer looking out to the street. All’s quiet. All’s well. This is a great street, many nice homes, many cars, yet few on the road. Where are all the people and why so few cars on the road? I’m not complaining. Just wondering. It’s a mystery. Maybe we’re like the Truman movie where everything is a movie set.

My window is facing North so the sun does not shine on my screen or in my eyes. In California I had to keep the blinds pulled so I could see.  In Hawaii I could look out over the expanse of green that was the mowed area around our house, and there I watched the morning sun enliven the green like the morning goddess tuning up her rheostat. In Oregon I could see Duchess grazing behind the house. When I got other horses and she moved to the paddock, I looked out over the Douglas firs. Gosh I remember living on Hendricks Hill in Eugene before moving to Davis mountain and having a window. Before that in Rancho Santa Fe CA, I sat at another window that opened to a view of the canyon.  I’ve been writing at windows for a long time.

I completed Mom’s book this morning though. I wish I was clever with titles. Do you have any suggestions?  Maybe simply: “Mom’s Letters” Secrets, the End of the Story
this book is about Letters written by my Mom to the Holt Adoption Agency that have survived for 50 years, plus my responses.

I have to do it for Mom and for my sister Jan.  I have decided to publish it as an ebook. Marketing? Hell, publishers want you to do the marketed for them, so I might as well do it for myself. I will put it out there. Mom didn’t write all those letters and have them survive for 50 years for nothing. And Jan? I owe it to her. Now for a cover.

This is our book. This is our story. It will fly.

Find Duplos on

I was about to have a tizzy-fit because I could not find my daughter’s site, and I knew it existed. How in the world people find her items is beyond me. I was  trying mini-figures, dragons, those sorts of searches. Finally I resorted to PayPal and there found her address.

I have a few items. My ID is douglasfir541 

“Phonic isn’t spelled with an “F”. That’s the reason the aliens fly right on by and don’t stop here.”