people laugh in Holguin, Cuba on April 27, 2012. STR/AFP/GettyImages
in The Eugene Weekly appears to know me.
This is from January 16, 2014
The Femish Artis Jan van Eyck (1385-1441) was renowned
for his innovative mastery of oil painting. He signed many of his works not
just with his name but also with his motto, Als
ick kan. "The best I can do."
What he meant was that he had pushed his
talent and craft to the limit, and then stopped and relaxed, content that he
had given all he could.
I invite you to have a similar attitude as you wrap up
the projects you’re currently involved in, Aquarius. Summon all your passion
and intelligence as you create the most excellent outcome possible, but also
know when to quit. Don’t try too hard, just try hard.
One person would have loved to send me a free sample of
their product, but didn’t think I was worth it because I didn’t have a tremendous
number of #BLOG readers, maybe it was followers, I don't know. (He could somehow see behind the scenes and get my numbers,
sneaky person that he was.) What he didn’t see was what I lack in numbers,
I make up for in quality.
My Audience is the best! That’s you.
So between you and me, I am wondering what it would take for us
to be exuberantly happy? “
Well, Thoreau said, "Men." He didn't say, "Women," Especially women who run with wolves, or Newfoundlands, or poodles.
So I think for the next few weeks I am going to pursue the topic of happiness. “What does it take to make a happy person?” Especially you. How about telling the exclusive readers of this blog about it?
Tune in next week, I can’t
wait to see what we
come up with.
come up with.
Thank you for your
continued support,
P.S. I bought my own book, Mother's Letters...and mine.
I had to see how it looked on #Kindle.
Guess I will send myself a handwritten thank you note. If you purchase this book
for the incredibly small sum of $2.99, I will send you a hand-written thank you note
mail still works, handwriting still works too. Of course that means you will
need to send me your name and address. Write a review for the book, and I will send kisses along with the note.