Monday, January 6, 2014

What if?

What if?

I ran away this morning and parked my faithful truck beside gentle rolling hills laden with green spring grass just coming up. (Spring?  This is January!) To my left are Douglas fir trees about 12 feet high. This stand of firs looks as though intended to be a Christmas tree farm, but the trees are acting on the wild side.

Some of the firs beside me need to be cut or they will die in the crowding—it’s nice to know that not every Christmas tree cut is a travesty. I see a perfect one. Perhaps I will claim it for next year if I can find its owner.

My grandson and I have been housebound for the last few days computing—that is using our respective computers.  He will be 5 next month and already he can drive that mouse like a Ferrari.

The two adults of this family with their respective jobs take the two vehicles leaving me without wheels. No wheels, no horse? Preposterous!

It’s been alright though as I have been busy trying to get yet another book cover completed.

"What about calling a book WHAT IF?", our friend John asked this morning at breakfast. “Wouldn't that get attention?"

I did use “What if,”  in a tweet, but his question set my mind off…

What if we had a direct pipeline to the Great Spirit?

What if the world wasn’t set up as we thought?

What if happiness is a choice?

What if we had access to our own healing?

What if dying wasn’t something to fear, but a great adventure?

What if we banded together and started thinking positive thoughts about people, the world, the financial situation, political unrest, and the eradication of disease on our planet?

What if thoughts are physical  things?

What if I shut up now so you can think your own What if’s?

A micro-second later I turned my attention to my briefcase where my computer was housed, and as I reached into a pocket I found a little booklet I’ve had for over 20 years titled The Ultimate Secret (To Getting Absolutely Everything You Want) by J.D.

J.D? I’m J. D., but not that J.D. J.D’s book was published by The Secret Library out of San Diego CA. The author’s identity is a secret as well for he feels that the greatest gift one can give is the key to successful living.

It is a tiny book, costs only $1.50. It was published in 1982, so I don’t know if that still holds.

J.D. doesn’t mince words making his manuscript fit publication guidelines of 82,000 words, but gets to the point in a 15 minute read.


First recognize that you are the source of everything that happens in your life.

Second, have a clear idea of what you want.

Third: Commit to it!

How about that?

Simple, huh?
Let's add another. HAVE FUN--like this horse making a snow angel...